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Location: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Floundering old fart with nothing to offer folk art stuff and writing...drink a lot of beer and try to avoid negative bullshit, always pondering our existance and future & past,

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Bump on a fucking log...sort of...dammit

This is my old metal detector from JC Penny's my dear friend Marsha's elderly dad Pierce gave me a few years ago before he passed on to that great bus stop in the's not wonderful but it beeped whenever it went over some metal crap....It was enuff to git me hooked into the hobby. The battery connector wires are all screwed up rat now and I can't use it. Butt, there's bigger fish to fry rat now....In the last 2 weeks, I've developed a bump on the edge of my asshole that's got me worried. I ain't got no health care, insurance or a job with insurance. I'm up shit creek so to speak....I've bean looking up stuff about colon cancer and hemroids...I'm hoping it's just hemroids..(LMAO) the symptoms concur with what I read.....but even in the case of polyps, which could be a sign of colon cancer, it sounds similar, too....I know they would just tell me to get a colonostomy but they ain't cheap....I can't even afford the parking....and I'd hate for em to take my mother's house....I think if I paid em some each month, they couldn't do anythang shitty to us...but I'm over the age of 50 when you're supposed to get that shit checked every once in awhile...I do caregiving for my elderly mother who had a bout with rectal cancer 2 years ago and I have to help her daily with her colostomy stuff and other basic chores. It can be real shitty at times but that's the nature of the beast...I guess I'll have to get my book done real fast about growing up in Atlanta during the spaced rock & roll age.......nobody wants to die except for vegetables and idiots maybe. I hate to put such personal shit on here but I had to get it off my chest....ain't trine to be a whimpering dog.....just a nervous pigeon...It's always something itching at your soul.....a soul to be precise.......Furgive me Lard.....


Blogger Zen Wizard said...

I would operate on the hemorrhoid theory first--that's probably what it is.

But you really should get that test where you take a stool sample, smear it on the card, and send it to the place where they try to detect blood one of these days (I don't know what that's called.)

11:19 AM  
Blogger Li Mortacci Tua said...

You need to apply for Medicaid. Go to the Clinic at Grady for those without insurance. NOW!

1:56 PM  
Blogger Zen Wizard said...

I had exactly what you are talking about twice, and it turned out to be a 'roid.

That's PROBABLY what it is.

But sk82party is right, and Grady is a good plan...

7:31 AM  
Blogger Johnny Webb said...

Thanks for the info, Zen Wizard.....I ain't ready to die yet...till I at least clean up this room....

9:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL. I picked a helluva a post to wander over from Zen's for! I think you might can also go to Northside. Isn't it a public hospital. It does sound like a 'roid though. Even given the serious subject, funny blog.

10:18 AM  
Blogger Johnny Webb said...

Thanks Sophmom...I'll check out Northside....I still use the great Northside water mug my dad had there in 90 before he kicked the holds a lot of beverage and is a lot better than the Emory/Crawford Long mugs

3:53 PM  

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